Monday, March 10, 2008

Negotiation and Mediation

We all deal with negotiation and mediation everyday, whether it's part of our work with contracts, or in our personal life. So what's the difference between negotiation and mediation?

Negotiation is communicating as an advocate to reach an agreement. It's trying to convince another party that your position is the one they should adopt.

Mediation, on the other hand, is helping people who are advocates to reach an agreement by acting as a neutral facilitator, translator, idea stimulator, confidante.

Both are important in contracting. On the one hand, negotiating to get the best terms for your agency. On the other hand, mediating between two disputing parties.

If you find yourself in need of either negotiation or mediation assistance, feel free to contact me.

Thanks to Rhonda Hilyer of Agreement Dynamics for the definitions of negotiation and mediation.

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