Tuesday, January 8, 2013

5 New Year's Resolutions for Procurement Professionals

The start of a new year is a good time for procurement and contracting professionals to make New Years Resolutions.

Here's a suggested list of 5 resolutions for you to consider:

1. Procurement policies:  Does your agency have procurement and contracting policies?  Are they up-to-date?  Do they reflect the most recent laws?  When was the last time they were reviewed?  Are they consistent with your agencies actual practices and and laws or ordinances adopted by your governing body?  It's a good practice to annually review your procurement and contracting policies to ensure they are still appropriate?  If you don't have procurement and contracting policies, it's a great idea to develop them this year.

2. Bidding and contract documents:  Does your agency have standard bidding and contract documents including construction general conditions, instructions to bidders, contracts, etc.?  When was the last time you reviewed them to ensure they still reflect your practices and changes in laws?  Like procurement policies, it's a good idea to review these annually, or develop them if you don't have them.  Your bidding and contract documents should be consistent with your procurement policies and with applicable laws and regulations.

3. Training:  Identify the training needs for your staff relating to procurement.  This might include procurement professionals as well as project managers.  Research what opportunities are available for meeting your training needs.  You can conduct either in-house training, send staff to scheduled training, or bring in a trainer to work with your agency on your specific issues.  The tailored training can also help agencies to clarify their practices and make improvements.

4. Professional associations:  Update your membership in professional organizations like NIGP that will provide you with regular input and networking opportunities.  Make plans to attend regional and annual conferences of these organizations.

5. Read:  If you don't already subscribe to Mike Purdy's Public Contracting Blog by email, consider signing up.  It's free.  Or if you already subscribe, encourage your colleagues to sign up. 
Mike Purdy's Public Contracting Blog 
© 2013 by Michael E. Purdy Associates, LLC 

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