Wednesday, January 25, 2012

10 Keys to Establishing a Contractor Performance Evaluation Program

It's important for public agencies to provide systematic and consistent feedback to contractors and consultants.  Such feedback, if structured and documented properly, can be used when considering future awards.

10 Keys:  What does an effective performance evaluation program look like?  Here are a ten items for you to consider as you develop or revise a contractor performance evaluation program:
  1. Written Program:  Establish a written and objective evaluation program.
  2. Criteria and Form:  Use standard evaluation criteria and a standard evaluation form.  Evaluation criteria may differ between construction and consultant contracts, or perhaps for different types of construction contracts.
  3. Training:  Provide training to your agency staff on how to use the performance evaluation program.
  4. Using Results:  Define how the results of the performance evaluations will be used in future award decisions.  Will you debar contractors who receive a certain number of poor performance ratings?  Will you use the ratings to determine a bidder is not responsible, or to impact evaluation of a consultant's qualifications?
  5. Publish Program in Solicitation Documents:  Publish the evaluation program, form, and how the evaluations will be used in the bidding and solicitation documents.  Contractors and consultants should be aware ahead of time how you will measure their performance.
  6. Use Consistently:  Use the performance evaluation program consistency on all projects, not just on projects where the contractor's performance is not acceptable.
  7. Include Written Comments:  Include written comments from evaluators to support the ratings.  Ensure the comments are professional.
  8. Give Contractor a Copy of Scores and Comments:  Provide a written copy of the completed performance evaluation form to the contractor (or consultant).
  9. Appeal Process:  Establish a fair process for the contractor to appeal the evaluation.
  10. Keep Records:  Maintain a database of historical ratings to be used in evaluating qualifications and responsibility on future projects.
Example: The Seattle Housing Authority has a Contractor Performance Evaluation Program.  Click here to review their program.  Click here to review a copy of the evaluation form.
Mike Purdy's Public Contracting Blog 
© 2012 by Michael E. Purdy Associates, LLC

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